
nonesense vol. I

little corpse, swings on its branch, little bird, little eyes; black feather, wearing leather, am i a maid?
in just a minute, just a minute, we'll be so so rich, so thin and so unnecesary...
See? here's the scar, here's my face, you see? your eyes have been upsidedown for so long...
i know, 'get over it'; these lips are so dry, maybe if i bite something and make it bleed i could paint this pale-white. some things hurt, love ain't easy. being left on your own either. killer. milk man. that's what you do, the way things work. No, no, no... watch out, the tide is wild.
your eyelids are so cold, and wet.
brown shoulders, golden knees. mama says "go home, kid".
love ain't easy.
being left on my own
is harder.

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