
Wrong flame

Now it's time to darken here.
Settle down for a moment.
Light up a matchstick
Loose the clothes
While the last drop slides down the curve of the spine
And the eye releases the water
the mouth releases the smoke
the hands release the movement
the vibration
the shiver
and the lips get so close.
Right when we used to forget all those issues,
right when we forgot how to dive in,
how to forgive
-if we ever knew.
Now's time to settle down here.
Darken for a moment.
Hold it
Now release.

It's not a lie.
It doesn't hurt
yet it damages.

a warm morning blowing at the back of your neck
the spark
(back when magic meant something).
Little shadows placed in the hole

She said she'd be back in an hour or two.
In the meantime-
can we talk for a while?

I know I shouldn't get in between what's next for you,
I know I shouldn't get through this place,
I know tomorrow we'll be on fire
as we never spoke, you see.
They waited like I did.
For too long.

She said she'd be back,
that's what she said.
You believed her
but perhaps
that's not what she meant.

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